What is this all about?

I guess this is what I’m trying to figure out. After attending the #ConnectEdCA conference at the Calgary Science School last week, I’m still trying to process everything. I was exposed to very different (and much better) modes of teaching and learning which aren’t entirely possible in the current structure at my school. I now need to figure out how to move to a more inquiry-based structure within my own math class and how to encourage and help others see the benefits in such an approach in my role as ICT coordinator. Given our school year is over in terms of teaching new concepts, I hope I can maintain my enthusiasm and focus over the summer months!

I truly was inspired at #ConnectEdCA. I was able to meet educational leaders from across our great country. As an ICT teacher and coordinator for the middle division at my school where all students have a full schedule of subject-specific classes, my focus heading to Calgary was to come away with new and innovative ideas for integrating technology into traditional subject-based classrooms. I came away with much bigger and more important ideas about teaching and learning; my focus on technology really took a back seat.

Although there were many inspirational moments, I was most moved to action by two in particular:

  • @deirdrebailey and @amydawnpark’s 30 day challenge. I like the idea of making specific and manageable choices to improve my practice. Trying something out for 30 days is possible. It’s a short period of time and if something is working – carry on. If something isn’t working – 30 days isn’t a huge investment and I will have learned something in the process. I now need to make some 30-day goals now that I can start in September – that can be my next blog post!
  • @wrightsroom. An inspirational speaker and teacher who took it upon herself to up-end her own classroom and teaching style. A huge risk with big pay-offs, but not without stumbling blocks. Thank-you so much for sharing your experiences at #ConnectEdCA. I hope to make it all the way through her blog this summer.

I have already taken a few risks and made a few changes… but I hope there are a lot more to come – as long as I can find the time and energy. It’s so easy to fall back into the same old practices.

  • I have actually begun to tweet. I had an account, and was following a few people from the US that I had seen at ISTE conferences in the past… but now I see the real purpose in tweeting and following. The connections I made at #ConnectEdCA will be invaluable. I am truly feeling more Connected with other educators of like mind.
  • Yesterday, I had my Grade 7 math class complete a QR code scavenger hunt where students were permitted to bring their devices to class (OH NO!) It worked beautifully and the students were found around the school, phones/iPods/iPads in hand… doing math problems to review for their final exam. I was contemplating this task, but once I attended the #ConnectEdCA gathering, I was pushed to actually try it. I thought I would ask for forgiveness rather than permission with this one – but it wasn’t necessary.
  • I have already emailed my administration and various department heads with ideas for teacher PD and authentic student tasks to consider for next year. I will be following up in September. Trying to kick-start greater collaboration and sharing.

So… once I decided to start a blog (who knows how long this will last… but I am going to try). I had to come up with some sort of theme or structure – starting with a name! I thought about what makes me different – what am I hoping to learn – what would my classroom look like in the ideal environment – how do I recognize excellence in my students… yes… that’s it. I want to use this blog to recognize what I see as important to teaching, learning and integrating technology to help teachers and students go above and beyond their expectations.

ImageIn my math classroom, I begin each year telling my students about my penguin collection. I began collecting penguins in Grade 2 when I completed my first-ever research assignment. In fact… I still have that research somewhere! Years ago, I found sheets of tiny penguin stickers – and they come out only when appropriate. Students earn a penguin sticker by demonstrating valuable learning; a new way of approaching a problem, a new study technique that worked, asking for extra help without being prompted by me … It’s hard to specifically say what a student has to do to earn a penguin sticker, but I know when I see it. And when they get something back with that little tiny penguin on it – there is a celebration. It is my way of communicating to them that I am very proud of what they have done. I never announce when someone has earned the penguin, but it’s often obvious by their reaction.

I think this is how I hope to use this blog. To celebrate new learning, taking risks and sharing my attempts at improving my own teaching and learning with a focus on technology.

We’ll see.

3 Responses to What is this all about?

  1. I am glad that technology took a backseat. The intention was that it would never be the focus but learning and relationships would be so as one of the organizers, I am so happy to hear about your reflection. As every single educator has something to contribute to our profession, I am really looking forward to you continuously sharing your experience so we can learn from you in this space! Thank you so much!

  2. Katie Thull says:

    Okay very strange question: where did you get the stickers that you have a picture of on here? I’ve been looking for these specifically and cannot find them anywhere!

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